Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Really, I just had to share this picture that my friend Courtney took of R yesterday. We had our MOPS small group Christmas Bunch, and everyone had a great time...especially the kids (who were totally hyped up on pumpkin bread, baked french toast, Christmas cookies, and icing.) Most of them just licked their icing stright off their knife once they had sufficiently loaded their cookie! Thanks, Courtney, for taking this great picture of my little one.

1 comment:

Sherry - Mommy Missionary said...

Okay, Why have I not been informed that you have a blog???? I'm deeply rejected (not really) and thrilled (really) at the same time! Yeah, now I can see what is going on in your life! Thing 1 is going to LOVE seeing pics of R too! I know it is so sad about the Angel of Prayer, I felt really bad but I still pray for R and it is repairable.

Love you!