Personally, I have always deep-down dreaded winter. Those who know me know that I am a moments notcie from packing up and moving south. I'm not a fan of snow, ice, or dark evenings. I am especially not a fan of cold, heavy coats, and my cold hands. Winters in Tennessee were bearable because the snow was limited and the winters were short, but winters in Wisconsin are just so long...and dark...and cold. But, who am I to complain? Just as I started feeling sorry for myself that we are beginning yet another winter in Wisconsin, my son...
Winter officially came this last week, and R seemed to come alive. His energy has been through the roof since the temperature dropped. Truly, through the roof! His therapists have told me in the past that the cold gives his muscles a little extra tone and tightening, but this winter we have seen it the most. The following are simply a sampling of comments we have heard since the temperature dropped...
"Feel my muscles; I am so strong."
"I LOVE winter, mom! Why don't you love winter?"
"Let's go outside and play!" (it was 6 degrees when he said this)
"Why do you say it is too cold to play outside?"
"No, I'm not cold...I'm strong!"
"The snow is brilliant!"
"I hope it stays winter forever."
So, God obviously did have yet another reason to move us north to the bitterly cold midwest. He has shown me so many reasons that R and his health are better off in the midwest, I guess I need to just embrace the weather. In honor of this new goal for myself, I voluntarily got out in the snow with him to play and build our best snow fort yet.
Remind me of this newfound positive attitude come below zero weather in February when the daffodils are blooming in Tennessee, please. Remind me of this a little bit louder and more forcefully in March when Wisconsin still has many, many inches of snow still on the ground and many cold weeks ahead while Tennessee has dogwoods and tulips blooming. Yes, seriously, please.
We'll have to get together a lot this winter so the boys can play and we can keep each other company remembering the warmth of the south. :)
I hear ya, friend! This Southern CA gal is still wondering what the heck I'm doing in South Dakota!!!
Seriously, one of the best presents Jeff ever gave me is a hot water bottle - and maybe the fleece socks are a close second.
Hi Rose,
Came across your blog again--always such a pleasure to read! I wanted to give you some of those positive notes about Wisconsin weather. See, I love it. I love that we have such a variety of seasons. We get to experience it all--every year. How awesome is that? I used to live in Texas and in the summer the AC would be cranked up so high at work, I'd actually get cold. So I'd imagine it was freezing outside and I was going to go home and have a fire in the fireplace! Then I'd step outside into 110--dream killed. Here I don't have to dream! Winter is such a wonderful time to get cozied up, have a fire, pour some tea/coffee/hot chocolate, light a candle, read a book. And the kids just love the snow (and us adults can have some fun out there too!) And then comes spring--not in Feb or March, but we still have spring! And then summer--not as long as in the south. But I think it's perfect--long enough to be able to enjoy it, but not too long to take it for granted. And of course nothing compares to the gorgeous fall--when it's colorful, cool, and crisp.
I could go on! I'm your gal when it's cold and you need a pick me up!
Merry Christmas!
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